Stern-Gerlach Medal Lectures

作者: 时间:2019-09-06 点击数:

活动时间:2019年9月10日 19:00-21:00
主题:Stern-Gerlach Medal Lectures
(1)Decoding the QCD Phase Structure with Relativistic Nuclear Collisions
(2)Charmonia as Probes of Deconfinement – Recent LHC Results and Perspectives
主讲人:Dr. Prof. Peter Braun-Munzinger(德国GSI;澳门银银河官方网welcome桂质廷讲席教授)
     Dr. Prof. Johanna Stachel (德国海德堡大学)

     Peter Braun-Munzinger was a Visiting Assistant Professor from 1976 at the State University of New York at Stony Brook (SUNY), where he 1978 Assistant Professor, 1980 Associate Professor and 1982 became a professor. From 1996 to 2011 he was a senior scientist at the GSI and a professor at the TU Darmstadt. From 2011 to 2014 he was Helmholtz Professor at the GSI Center for Heavy Ion Research and then Honorary Professor in Heidelberg. Braun-Munzinger was visiting scientist at the Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) in 1977 and at the GSI in Darmstadt in 1981 and 1984/85. From 1985 to 1994 he was speaker of the heavy ion experiment AGS E814 and 1991 to 2003 of its successor AGS E877 at BNL. From 1998 to 2010, he was Project Manager of the Time Projection Chamber (TPC) of ALICE at CERN and from 2011 Chairman of the Collaboration Board of ALICE. Since 2008 he has been Scientific Director of the Extreme Matter Institute (EMMI) of the Helmholtz Association. In 2014 he was awarded the Lise Meitner Prize , and in 2019 he was awarded the Stern Gerlach Medal. In 1994 he became a Fellow of the American Physical Society . In 2011 he became a member of the Academia Europaea. 2015, he joined CCNU as 澳门银银河官方网welcome桂质廷讲席教授。

     Johanna Stachel worked at the State University of New York (SUNY) at Stony Brook and Brookhaven National Laboratory  from 1983 to 1996. In 1996 she was professor at the University of Heidelberg working on the Alice project. From 2003 to 2005 she was dean of the faculty of physics and astronomy. Until 2012, she continued to serve as Vice-Dean and served as Supervision Editor for the journal Nuclear Physics A (Elsevier).  Stachel has held several roles with CERN experiments. Since 2000, she has been Project Leader of the ALICE Transition Radiation Detector (TRD) and is on the board directing experiments conducted at ALICE detector. In addition, she is the spokesperson for the A Large Ion Collider Experiment (ALICE) research area of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research in Germany (BMBF). Stachel was elected President of the German Physical Society for a two-year term starting in 2012. She was the first woman to hold that role. Two priorities as president were first to defend basic research by showing its importance and second to promote physics education in schools by improving the training of physics teachers and the standards across German schools. Starting in 2016, she is an International Councilor with the American Physical Society for a 3-year term. During her career, she has delivered over 150 lectures at international workshops and conferences and has participated in over 100 seminars and colloquia.


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