Ying Yu
Author: Date:2018-10-23 ClickTimes:
Ying Yu, Professor and Director of the Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, College of Physical Science and Technology. She got her Master and Ph.D Degree at Dalian University of Technology in 1996 and Nankai University in 2000 respectively. After that, she came into CCNU and was promoted to be a full professor in 2004. She had been in Department of Biology, the Chinese University of Hong Kong as a postdoc for 13 months. In April, 2005, she came to Department of Chemistry, Princeton University as a visiting staff member and was engaged in the study of water splitting for O2 production. Then, she worked as a postdoc in Department of Physics, Boston College and was engaged in the study of the preparation of aligned carbon nanotubes and their applications. In May, 2007, she came back to CCNU.
Dr. Yu has been as a member in editorial board for the journals of Applied Physics and Green Sustainable Chemistry for several years. She was also invited to review manuscripts by the editors from more than 20 international top journals. Her research interest includes 1) the preparation of nanostructured materials for CO2 conversion to fuel, 2) the preparation of nanostructured catalysts for electrochemical water splitting and N2 fixation, 3) the preparation of nanostructured semiconductors for environmental pollution control. So far, she has been granted by NSFC as a PI for 6 times, by MOE, NSF of Hubei province and Wuhan science and Technology Bureau for many times. 2 book chapter, more than 110 papers have been published on peer-reviewed international journals such as Energy Environ. Sci., Nano Lett., Nano Energy, ACS Catal., J. Mater. Chem. A, etc., for which the total citation is more than 4500 times. H-index reaches 38. 15 patents have also been filed, among which 12 have been issued. She received the award for Young Scientist in Environmental Area in Scopus Hunting for promising Scientists and awards for Natural Science in Hubei Province (second grade in 2013 and third grade in 2009) and also won the award for Distinguished Young Scientist in Wuhan City in 2010. So far, 44 graduate students have obtained degrees with her as advisor, in which 14 got Ph.D degree and 30 Master degree. Additionally, 2 theses have been awarded as the Best Thesis for Ph.D Degree in Hubei Province.